"Radical hospitality," a great way to kick off my morning. Thanks, Sarah Rose. I think our "sense of urgency" is real; how could it not be. But, I think it is also a trap as you imply. Andreotti is encouraging patience as we witness the decline of modernity. In this place of patience hopefully we can begin to envision what "the regrowth of a living culture" really looks like. Possibilities will emerge during this transformative period. Societal structures will begin to materialize. As bad as the crises are that we have faced and as bad as the crises yet to come, they are also sarcophagi stones already in use as we build modernity's final resting place.

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Oh how i miss you and dearly missed you here in Cinci last month while I was not. Your writing and your deep work. Hugs to your family and loved ones, and those of the splintered swooshed and lost lands of WNC and everywhere else. 'The Planet does not compartmentalize' and 'Storm Warning' - brilliant beautiful difficult. Love from the middle... not untouched. Xo

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